The Bible

We believe in the Word of God! We stand firm on the 66 books of the Bible and know them to be truth today, yesterday, and forever more.

The Son

We Believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. We believe that He was sent down in fleshly form for the purpose of dying for our sins. We believe that Christ died so that we may live abundant, overflowing lives. We believe that we are joint heirs with Christ, and therefore, we have the ability to speak life into our lives, and we have the power and authority to change any situation that does not line up with the Word of God.


We believe that by believing in our hearts that Jesus Christ is Lord, that He is the son of God, that He died on the Cross, that on the third day He rose overcoming death.  By confessing these truths with our mouths, we are saved!


We believe that all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. We believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins so that we do not have to bear the weight of them.  We believe that God is our redeemer, and therefore, when we sin, He is willing to forgive us if we repent, ask for forgiveness and turn from the thing that we have done.

Our Vision

The vision that God has set for this ministry is to Renew minds, Rebuild lives, and Restore Faith. We prepare God’s people for the challenges in everyday life, by teaching sound biblical doctrine, precepts and principles.  We serve to build the whole individual – both naturally and spiritually.

Foundational Scripture

Romans 12:2

 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Our Pastors

Tim and Miki Collier

Metamorphosis Outreach Empowerment Center also known as MOEC is led by God and overseen by Tim and Miki Collier who pastor with purpose and with a passion for all people.  They love the Lord and chase after the heart of God in everything they do. They constantly strive for excellence in their obedience to God and in their willingness to fulfill their mission to, “Love the People and lead them to Christ”.  Their vision is to build a nucleus of the kingdom of God where the spirit of the Lord can dwell in love; to Empower people through biblical principles, to link the gospel to practical concepts for everyday living, and to renew faith in the minds and hearts of all.  They strive to help our community through programs like the Storehouse food pantry, the Pass the Plate community meals program, and the Fill Up for Hope program which assists cancer patients in our community with transportation costs.  MOEC endeavors to be a place where lives are transformed, and a spiritual metamorphosis continuously takes place.

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